Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well welcome to my "pixielated" mind; which runs like a hamster wheel on meth :)
And the train of thought that runs through my head, is on tracks that look like a giant bowl of spaghetti.  There is not one single straight line of thought.  My name is Torri, i'm a wife, a mother, a sister a daughter, a Christian, a rebel; but I really don't know who I am. Which is why i'm writing this.  Perhaps in all my babblings, and ramblings i may just discover who i really am.  I usually am who i think others want me to be. I act like the mom i think others want me to be, i'm the wife I think he wants me to be etc etc...

Don't get me wrong, some of those things are all well and good... and sometimes their ideas and expectations don't fit, like spandex on a fat person... believe me i know. For so many years i've put on different masks for different people, different situations; and for what?  So that i will be liked, or accepted.

But, the masks are all starting to get old, and cracked; i can't remember which mask i used for which person or which place. It's a mess.  I really want to find out who i am.  Am i that person from 25 years ago, that vibrant silly flirtatious person, am I this serious, fun sucker, worrisome person.  Maybe i'm none of it, maybe i'm all of it, maybe i'm a combination of them. Who knows.

well keep comin back and join me in my journey :)

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